Telephone: 01727 811 116
Mon - Fri: 8am - 6pm
Welcome To
Nursery One.
Babies, Toddlers and young children thrive when they are well loved and well cared for.
Nursery One is a transitional room to support the children for pre-school. The staff plan daily activities following the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum which include turn taking activities, early mark making skills, listening skills through story and song sessions.
The Home corner offers excellent role-play and sharing opportunities and children regularly have access to slides, ride on toys, tunnels to assist their physical development.
A Typical Day In Nursery One.

Activities Include:
Mathematical concepts- shape, space and measure
Language Activities- prepositions, early phonics, rhythm and rhyme to promote language development
Cooking Activities
Mindfulness & Breathing Techniques to support emotional literacy and self-regulation
Balance of Child-Initiated Play and Adult Supported Activities
Activities to promote fine motor and gross motor skills
High Quality Care to support your Child’s Thinking & Learning
Core Books, Stories & Rhymes support your child to think, listen and reflect.
Listening to the child’s voice, thoughts and feelings allows us to adapt the curriculum to one where a child as at the heart of all we do and that their thoughts and opinions matter.
Practitioners understand that toddlers are learning to be independent and managing their feelings in a supported way is an important part of self-regulation.