Telephone: 01727 811 116
Mon - Fri: 8am - 6pm

Welcome To
Woodland Class.
Every Child can make progress in their learning with the right help.
This purpose built pre-school room is aimed towards the needs of the older child and prepares these children for the start of their school life.
For the pre-school child, Wainscot offers a balance between children’s initiated play and adult supported play. Through implementing the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage), we ensure a smooth transition from nursery to school.
Children have daily phonic sessions where we introduce early reading skills and the children learn the individual letter sounds through fun, interactive games. The children all take home a reading pack which they can share with their families.
Children wear a uniform in the Woodland Class,giving the children a sense of identity.
A Typical Day In Woodland Class.

High Quality Care is Consistent.
Activities Include:
Balance of child-initiated play and adult supported learning
Opportunities for small group learning/focused activities
Opportunities for open-ended play with access to the natural environment
Circle times
Introduction to early mathematical and literacy concepts
Yoga every Tuesday with a qualified yoga instructor
Every Child can make progress in their Learning with the right help.
Practitioners sensitively support children to develop a positive sense of self and care for others and the environment. The child’s voice, thoughts and feelings are evidenced throughout the displays and classroom environment.
Children have the opportunity to develop ‘golden rules’ to keep themselves and others safe in the nursery environment.
New vocabulary and new learning is
embedded within the curriculum.
Practitioners allow children time and space to think and reflect; in this way children learn through repetition and consolidation.
Langauage and story-telling is at the heart of the curriculum; this lays the foundations for children’s thinking and learning.